Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Aetna and NEMG Form ACO

Aetna, Inc. is a Hartford, CT-based, healthcare benefits provider, founded in 1853 by Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley. The company offers consumer-directed, voluntary and traditional health insurance products. These solutions and related services include: medical, dental, pharmacy Medicaid services, disability plans, group life plans, behavioral health, medical management services and health information exchange technology services.
The company, which operates under the AET Stock Symbol, is in the process of growing its responsible care solution. This new healthcare provider model is in sync with the Accountable Care Organization, or ACO formation, between Aetna and NEMG, according to Aetna Stock news.
Together, they have formed an ACO instrumental in providing consumers with healthcare solutions. These solutions are said to provide improved healthcare safety standards that are affordable, with high quality care for patients.
Beginning on July 1, 2014, per the new ACO, Aetna will serve all of Connecticut’s fully-insured members and those with self-insured plans, who have held NEMG plans within the past couple years.
AET Stock Price Today on New York Stock Exchange is currently $73.96. This $0.09 drop represents a 0.12% decrease since close of market yesterday. The AET Stock has a 52-week high of $76.68 with a 52-low of $57.73. Its average volume is currently 686,301. 
AET Stock Share Price was driven up by 1% on May 1, 2014 after the announcement of the ACO formation. Experts believe the recent drop is related to a weak broader market, but is expected to begin increasing again as the model stabilizes.

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